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"Riven" (Trivergent Energy), Maximizing Climate Potential as a Renewable Electrical Energy Source to Optimize the Electricity Supply of Tsunami Early Detection System

Description: Riven is a renewable energy generator that can generate electrical energy in various weather conditions. Riven is a combination of solar cells, piezoelectric, and dynamo. Riven is made to maximize the potential of Indonesia's climate as a tropical country. The electricity generated by Riven is used to meet the needs of tsunami early detection devices (survace buoy) so that they can operate more efficiently and can save production costs.

Riven is a renewable energy generator that can generate electrical energy in various weather conditions. Riven is a combination of solar cells, piezoelectric, and dynamo. Riven is made to maximize the potential of Indonesia's climate as a tropical country. The electricity generated by Riven is used to meet the needs of tsunami early detection equipment (survace buoy) so that it can operate more efficiently and can save production costs, especially in saving batteries. The tsunami early detection device currently only uses solar cells to meet electricity needs in the middle of the sea. Solar cells can only operate on sunny days. This can be a problem if there is bad weather such as prolonged sea storms that make solar cells unable to generate electricity. Large batteries will cost more and have the potential to be stolen. so with the existence of Riven. we can increase the efficiency of power generation for tsunami early detection device and reduce production costs, especially on batteries so that it is hoped that Indonesia can increase the number of tsunami early detection devices.

Organisation: SMA Thursina IIBS

Innovator(s): Mohammad Rafie Sulthan, Muhammad Rafi Althaf Wiratara, Muhammad Adinata Parikesit, Muhammad Dzaky Al Syaddad Ibnu Syaifa

Category: Energy

Country: Indonesia

Gold Award