Description: A system called TIME-NUTRIX, designed to record student’s attendance with time stamp and body temperature status via an integrated 3D barcode and a standard body thermometer.
Industry 4.0’ is one that integrates advanced manufacturing techniques with the internet of things (IoT) to create manufacturing systems that are not only interconnected but communicates, analyses, and uses the information to drive further intelligent action back in the physical world. Time-Nutrix is designed to record student’s attendance with time stamp and their body temperature status via an integrated 3D barcode scanner and a standard infrared body thermometer Content Firstly, when a student enters the school, student need to SCAN their UNIQUE QR Identification Card at the 3D barcode scanner, then They will scan their forehead at the infrared body temperature thermometer. Time-Nurse will update these collected digital date to a CLOUD SERVER as TIME-NURSE RECORD. A specially developed software installed in our school office computer syncs with the CLOUD SERVER to download and store TIME-NURSE RECORD into its hard drive as COMMA SEPARATED VALUES or CSV files. The CSV file consist the student’s scanned data information. The content of CSV file is consisting of: • DATE • TIME • Student Name • CLASS • FEVER STATUS In the event of a student detected with FEVER, an alarm will sound and TIME-NUTRIX will send a Telegram notification alert message to the school management telegram group to alert on the student’s health status. This will be part of preventive measure to ensure we detect the possibility of an infected person and able to contained effectively. TIME-NUTRIX uses the following parts: 1. QR / BARCODE SCANNER 2. USB HOST SHIELD 3. ARDUINO UNO R3 4. K3 PRO BODY TEMPERATURE THERMOTER 5. ESP8266 NODE MCU 6. MIT Application developer for Local Attendance Logging system 7. 12v, 2A Adaptor 8. Telegram applications BENEFITS OF THIS INVENTION TIME-NURSE WILL BE A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH FOR MEDICAL AND SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM • AS PREVENTIVE TOOL FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASE • THIS INVENTION WILL BE MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH FOR DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR SCHOOL’S In a nutshell this invention also in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SGD) Goal 3 – Good Health and Well-being to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all.
Category: Information Technology
Country: Malaysia